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Verein - Steh wieder auf

Associazione - Risorgi

Association  - Stand up again

Association - Relève-toi


MOTTO         für Gewaltopfer


                       Seitdem ist Schmerz mein Begleiter

                       Aus Leiden schaffe ich aber Schönheit.

                       Täter, du hast nicht gewonnen:

                       meine Tränen perlen auf der Tastatur

                       wie Edelsteine ab.

MOTTO         per Vittime di Violenza


                       Da allora è il dolore il mio accompagnatore

                       Ma creo bellezza dalla sofferenza.

                       Reo, non hai vinto:

                       le mie lacrime rimbalzano sulla tastiera

                       come pietre preziose.

MOTTO         for Victims of Violence


                       Since then is pain my companion

                       But I create beauty from suffering.

                       Guilty, you didn’t win:

                       my tears rebound on the keyboard

                       like precious stones.

MOTTO         pour Victims de Violence


                       Depuis ce temps-là  le douleur est mon compagnon

                       Mais je crée beautè de la soufrrance.

                       Coupable, tu n’ as pas vaincu:

                       mes larmes perlent sur les touches

                       comme pierres précieux.

I came to the idea to start an association for victims of violence because the criminal who attacked and injured me was acquitted by the court even if he had done it already twice before, always aggressing lonely women.So I thought that I could do something to attract the attention of everyone-of powerful people as well-to change something in the law. I mean that criminals who repeat their crime shouldn't be left free around to be able to do it again.To this purpose I started a law studying and I plan to present a sketch of law to change the criminal law regarding this point .I need a wide participation of jurists and medical doctors in my association to be able to help people like me,who are abandoned by the State in case that the criminal is acquitted.

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